Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Health and Medical Titles - JSTOR

JSTOR - Access to both Health and Medical titles:
Medicine and Allied Health:                                                                 

ljx131101refWebDB1 Best Databases 2013

Since its inception in 1995, JSTOR has become ubiquitous. The database, which became part of the academic services provider ITHAKA in 2009, is currently available in more than 7,000 institutions, and it’s easy to see why: JSTOR boasts a collection of more than 1,500 academic journals, books, and primary sources on the arts, humanities, and social sciences.

Like JSTOR, ARTstor Digital Library was the brainchild of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which launched the product in 2001. Today, ARTstor is an independent not-for-profit with about 1.5 million digital images. Both databases are “classics worth owning,” says Lura Sanborn, reference librarian at St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH. “In the ever-burgeoning offerings of digital products, it can be easy to forget those early, all-important, still essential groundbreakers,” continues Sanborn. “My library simply could not get by without JSTOR and ARTstor.

Also, JSTOR recently added ebooks with an optional DDA [demand-driven acquisition] program, and ARTstor recently launched Shared Shelf, an add-on option for higher education institutions needing/wishing for an SAAS [Software as a Service] product to upload/catalogue their own collections.”

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