Tuesday, 4 March 2014

New Self Harm service for Galway

Across Ireland there are on average 12,000 self harm presentations to Emergency Departments (ED) annually, with approximately 500 presenting to the ED in Galway University Hospital (National Suicide Research Foundation, 2012).   Galway Roscommon Mental Health Services has introduced a new Self Harm Service to provide a new and specific service to people who self harm.

Alan Costello is the first HSE Self Harm Nurse to be appointed in the HSE West area and is based in the Emergency Department at Galway University Hospital.  Alan takes direct referrals from the Emergency Department and from the Psychiatric Liaison Team (in GUH). 

 Alan says, “My primary role is to engage with the person following a self harm episode, carrying out a detailed mental health assessment and risk assessment. This involves an in-depth biopsychosocial assessment, identifying the causes of the crisis, the context of the self harm, the current level of risk and the primary stressors and triggers.  I develop a management and safety plan and may see the person for structured sessions to begin educative and therapeutic work around reduction and management of self harm behaviours.  If it becomes clear that the person has a more serious mental health concern, I can arrange for a hospital admission for assessment and treatment or arrange an outpatient appointment for the person to see a psychiatrist.”
View more on HSE website here

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