Thursday, 6 November 2014

Knee Pain and Sports Surgery Clinic, Dublin

The Sports Surgery Clinic, located at Santry, North Dublin is one of the first dedicated orthopaedic and sports surgery clinics in Europe. This facility has been meticulously planned from both a design and structural perspective with a key focus on delivering a world class medical, surgical, nursing and paramedical team.

The various departments, include:
Sports Medicine, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Nursing Services
Orthopaedics, Respiratory Testing, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Dr. Andy Franklyn-Miller, Director of Rehabilitation & Research at Sports Surgery Clinic presents his findings from his original research into the cause and treatment of Iliotibial Band Syndrome.
 "Knee pain - it could be your Iliotibial Band"

Further Information:

1 comment:

  1. Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller is a regular contributer to mainstream media for opinions on doping, injury , performance and injury prevention.
    sports surgery clinic
