Thursday, 10 March 2016

'#hellomynameis campaign' for more compassionate care

Nurses, doctors and other HSE staff – particularly frontline staff - are being asked to tell their patients their name, as part of the #hellomynameis campaign for more compassionate care.  #hellomynameis was started by Dr Kate Granger in the UK after she became frustrated with the number of staff who failed to introduce themselves to her when she was an inpatient with post-operative sepsis.
Kate has terminal cancer but continues to work as an elderly medicine registrar. Since leaving hospital, she has started a campaign on Twitter and on her own website asking staff to make a pledge to introduce themselves in future to their patients. The #hellomynameis campaign is being supported by the HSE as part of the Quality Improvement Division’s patient engagement strategy and is included in the division’s operational plan for 2016.
Staff can greatly enhance or negatively affect patient experiences of HSE services. Simple things like introducing yourself can put patients at ease and positively influence their experiences of the Irish healthcare system. Patient engagement and compassion need to be at the centre of the Irish healthcare services and built into everything we do.
This page aims to encourage and support staff to engage with the #hellomynameis  movement and to put patient engagement and compassion at the heart of our healthcare services.
The resources below will help to get you started.
  • Download and print off your own #hellomynameis badges 
  • Download and print off your own #hellomynameis placard – take a photo or selfie and use social media  to spread the word 
  • Download a #hellomynameis icon for your email signature
  • Read the #hellomynameis feature in the Spring 2016 edition of Health Matters
  • Watch Kate Granger’s presentation to an Irish audience at the HSE Communications Masterclass 
  • Watch Kate Granger’s interview recorded at the HSE Communications Masterclass 
For more information about how you can start a #hellomynameis movement in your workplace, email the QID Division at 

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