Friday 4 April 2014

Hiqa reports on services for people with disabilities published

The first batch of inspection reports into residential homes and services for people with disabilities has been published by the Health Information and Quality Authority

Twelve reports into residential homes and services for people with disabilities, which came under the remit of Hiqa on November 1st last, include wide-ranging recommendations around the protection of residents, improvements to fire safety and improvements around the protection of residents’ finances

One inspection report related to Stewarts Care, a residential home for people with disabilities in Dublin 20. Hiqa carried out an unannounced monitoring inspection on December 10th after the provider contacted the authority five days earlier informing it that allegations of abuse had been made.

The report raised issues around the excessive use of locked doors and that some care plans did not specifically detail the physical care interventions required to assist some residents, creating the potential for inconsistent and inappropriate physical care.

The provider responded on December 27th, saying the practice of locking internal doors had ceased and reviews of all matters raised would be implemented by mid-2014.

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