Friday 10 October 2014

Irish Association of Suicidology - Westport Conference

Work under way on new suicide prevention framework:

Enda Kenny said men had to come in from the cold and begin looking after their mental health

Enda Kenny said men had to come in from the cold and begin looking after their mental health.

The Taoiseach has said society has a responsibility to ensure young people are looked after and helped to realise that they are of "impossible value".

Opening the Irish Association of Suicidology's annual conference in Westport, Mr Kenny said that the challenges facing young people in today's world were immense. Work is under way on a new suicide prevention framework that would run from next year, he said. A key element of this would be to look at ways of reducing the stigma that can prevent people, young men in particular, from accessing help when they encounter mental difficulties.

Mr Kenny said men had to come in from the cold, and begin looking after their mental health. He said his Government was committed to trying to assist this process.

View article here on RTE/Health

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