Wednesday, 4 February 2015

New Breast Cancer App - CUH

Cork University Hospital (CUH) has launched an app, FYI: Breast Cancer, to help women who are overwhelmed by medical information about cancer.

This new App explains what breast cancer is, the different types of breast cancer, what a breast cancer diagnosis means and what treatments are available. 
“As much as 90% of medical information on the internet is inaccurate or difficult to read,” says Consultant Breast Surgeon Mark Corrigan.
“To counter this, and to clearly explain the facts about breast cancer and dispel the myths, we have developed the FYI: Breast Cancer app. It has been made in a very user friendly format, and answers the most commonly asked questions.
“More and more, we see that patients attending a breast cancer clinic are using the internet for information.
“With 90% of patients using a mobile phone on a daily basis, we decided that an app would be the best way to communicate correct, easy to read information.
“We hope that the FYI: Breast Cancer app will make a major difference to the hundreds of women attending breast cancer clinics who find themselves overwhelmed by the medical information they are given.
It is hoped that the success of the app will pave the way for similar apps in other fields, such as prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and diabetes.
The FYI: Breast Cancer app is available to download on both Android and iPhone.

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